Halls Draws

To view a gallery and description of our halls and spaces, please visit HALLS OF NPC.

For your convenience, please download floor plans of the main halls and expositional spaces in PDF or DWG from the following list:

Exposition map on all levels: NDK Expo Level Maps.pdf or NDK Expo Levels.dwg

Hall 3
and foayesHall 3.pdf or Hall 3.dwg or Hall 3 Configur.pdf

Hall 3.1
Hall 3.1 Grid.pdf or Hall 3.1.dwg or Hall 3.1 Configur.pdf

Hall 3.2 
Hall 3.2 Grid.pdf or Hall 3.2.dwg or Hall 3.2 Configur.pdf

Hall 3.4 
Hall 3.4 Grid.pdf or Hall 3.4.dwg or Hall 3.4 Configur.pdf

Hall 3, combined with 3.1/3.2/3.4 и 10: 3 Hall Combined.pdf or 3 Hall Combined.dwg 

Hall 6 Hall 6 Grid.pdf или Hall 6.dwg or Hall 6 Configur.pdf

Hall 7 
Hall 7 Grid.pdf or Hall 7 Grid.dwg or Hall 7 Configur.pdf

Hall 8 Hall 8 Configur.pdf

Hall 9 
Hall 9 Configur.pdf

Hall 10
 Hall 10.pdf or Hall 10.dwg or Hall 10 Configur.pdf